Jesse Tree: Lamb Ornament
I just finished the lamb ornament for our Jesse Tree. The lamb {or ram} is the symbol for our devotional during Advent about God calling Abraham to sacrifice Isaac and then providing a ram instead.
My mother-in-law and I were at Crate & Barrel after Christmas this year and found this little guy on sale for like $1.

The following is what you would need:
One small sheet of white felt
White yarn
Small wooden knob
Black and white paint
One small dowel rod
Hot glue
Fishing line
Here's how I transformed this little guy. First, I tore him apart and gave his old gray fur a toss.
I cut out two circles of white {or in my case, off-white because I already had some} felt and hot glued them together.
His legs are 2 1/2 inch lengths of dowel rod painted black. I glued those onto the felt circle. Ignore the remnants of gray yarn and dried hot glue from his previous life.

For the fur, hot glue thick white yarn to the felt circle. Start near the head and coil the yarn around as you glue it until it covers the entire circle. Do the same for the back side.
I had some white yarn already that I wanted to use but it was a bit thin to just glue on as is. Instead, I knit a cord of it for either side, making it thicker and fluffier.
I'm amazed Em! You really are the master of creativity!!
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