Monday, October 11, 2010

So Long

Well, I'm sad to say that I'm going to say "So long" to this here blog. I have truly loved it. It's been such fun sharing ideas here and I've enjoyed getting to know so many of you that have been faithful to check in to see what I'm up to.

With three little ones, a husband in residency and homeschooling, I'm finding I just can't give enough time to this blog. Writing and taking pictures takes up some of my free time and I just can't spare that right now. I hate to say goodbye since it's been such a fun thing for me. I know I'll come back to blogging one day because I do love it. Meanwhile, I'll join you in enjoying all the other great bloggers and content out there. What a blessing to have such creativity and information so accessible to us through blogs!

Be blessed and thanks for sharing the last year or so with me here.

PS: I'll keep my blog up for reference if there are any posts/recipes you want to look back on.


  1. Aww bummer! I totally understand though!! I don't know how anyone would have time for all of that! But still show your great projects off to your real life friends, ok?!

  2. Aw, that's too bad... but glad you're leaving it up because I want to get a Jesse tree made this year!

  3. Thanks for leaving this blog up for reference on those awesome projects you've posted about.

  4. So sad to see you go... I've loved reading your posts. But, I admire your determination to make your life match your priorities. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  5. Very sad to see you go, but I totally understand! I've really enjoyed all of your recipes and creative ideas. It's been a blessing. I really appreciate you leaving it up so that I can reference it. God bless you and your family.

  6. I hear ya' sista. :) I love all your creative ideas, so we'll just have to chat more often!

  7. Bummer! I LOVE reading all your great ideas. Thanks for leaving everything up. I was just telling a friend from church about ideas that you had on here. :) Have fun with your sweet little ones. (Ps-I only have 1 1/2, but I can't find the time to blog enough either. Hehe)

  8. Will miss you on this blog. But good for your kiddos!

  9. I'm sad to see you go. You are an wonderfully creative person and a very good mama for making the decision you did. Thanks for leaving up the references, as I use the "boy haircut" post regularly. Congrats on your new baby girl.

  10. Oh No!!! I am so sad. I was so proud of myself for getting everything together for my Jesse tree this year. I really appreciated you sharing how you were teaching your young children about Christ.
    I completely understand why you have to go. I am glad you are taking the time to truly enjoy your children. God bless you and your family!

  11. hey em - we need to start talking more often so i don't miss out on any of your amazing ideas! i'll miss your posts but am proud of you for putting your family first.

  12. I live in Frisco TX near Dallas. Will you pls forward this site to your personal email list? I am starting a new women's prayer ministry called www.PRAYERville.ORG Getting the word out there. Thank you. Prayer First In All Things! Shelley

  13. i recently found your blog and it quickly became a favorite of mine. i think i read every post! good luck with everything and God Bless you! you are an inspiration.

  14. Thanks for leaving your blog up... I'm going to try your tomato basil soup recipe. Thanks!

    Family comes first. Maybe when your children are older you will all have fun posting your adventures once in a while on this blog. It will make a great record to look back on.
